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Auraria Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week (AHHA)

The dates for our 10th Annual Auraria Hunger and Homelessness Week (AHHA) 2024 are TBD! Please check back in the Fall for updates. Until then, check out our 2022 and 2023 event recap documents!
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Programs and Resources Available
Free Food Available
Offered by Same Café, SCORCares Mobile Food Pantry, The Preservery, the Health Center at Auraria, MSU CMEI, CU Student Life, MSU Dietetics, and more! Click these links to learn more about SCORCares and the Health Center at Auraria!
Clothing Swap
Clothing donation collection will be Nov 1 through Nov 16th. Donations can be dropped at collection boxes outside of Tivoli 346. Please only donate clean, re-usable clothing (not ripped, stained, or worn out). Swap clothes (donate and/or take new-to-you clothing) at AHHA Week Nov 16th in Tivoli 320!
Free Menstrual Products
To help the fight against menstrual and gender inequality, the ASCP is partnering with the Auraria Health Center to distribute menstrual cups, pads, and tampons free of charge to all of the the Auraria Campus Community. Come find the Auraria Health Center's table at the Resource Fair and help put an end to menstrual related inequity and discrimination.
Cups, pads, tampons, and educational materials will be available on November 16th at the AHHA event. 

SNAP Benefits Enhancement Presentation

​Want to learn how you can get free groceries? What about free fruits and vegetables every time you buy groceries with your EBT card? Learn more about Double Up Bucks and which farmers markets and grocery stores are participating near you! Caitlin Stuart will be chatting about all of these topics! Caitlin loves gardening, and is the Community Engagement & Navigator Manager at Nourish Colorado! Immediately after the presentation, join local food justice leaders to learn more about pending food issues here in Denver. There will also be space at the end of this conversation for students to share their own thoughts and questions following the discussion.


Accessing Free Hot Meals by the Preservery Foundation

A presentation on local food resources and how to access hot meals. The Preservery foundation is a nonprofit geared towards eliminating barriers to food for those who are unhoused. Want to learn how you can help? Join the Preservery' mission, Equitable Access to Food for All.


Creative Community Solutions to Food Insecurity

Join local food justice leaders to learn more about pending food issues here in Denver. There will also be space at the end of this conversation for students to share their own thoughts and questions following the discussion. 


Tenant Rights Presentation
Join Colorado Poverty Law Presents an amplified explanation of tenants’ rights session that incorporates student housing and extra attention to notices you could receive from your landlords.

Presentation on Rental Assistance with Colorado Economic Defense Project

Rental Assistance overview, and description overview of services Colorado Economic Defense Project provides in terms or rental/mortgage assistance and the towing assistance fund. Register for the event here


Campus Safe Parking Initiative Round Table

Join Colorado Safe Parking Initiative in a round table discussion about raising awareness for the need of a safe parking option for students living out of their and what it could like on our campus.

Food Is Medicine Cooking Demonstration

Foods that we eat today have the power to shape your health trajectory. Jon Padia is a passionate Registered Dietitian here on the Auraria Campus. He will be leading a cooking demo that will touch on affordable nutritious foods, making the most of your SNAP dollars or limited budget, and what steps students can take to adopt healthy habits. Come join us as we learn, have conversations, and eat!


Resource Fair

This event has been developed by a tri-institutional committee on the Auraria Campus in downtown Denver to share community education and resource connections surrounding food and housing insecurities. The event will include resource office representatives from each respective institution on campus as well as organizations from the greater Denver community. Partners will be offering free food, free personal care kits, free menstrual products, free wardrobe upgrades, advice on food stamp eligibility, recommendations on maximizing EBT dollars and help in signing up for SNAP, direct connections to full-person health care resources, and so much more!

Harm Reduction And Overdose Prevention Training
The Auraria Health Center, along with the ACPD, will be leading a naloxone training seminar. 

In collaboration with SAFE Project, Auraria Recovery Community, and individual community partners, the Health Center is excited to offer our Overdose Response Training to community members. Join us for invaluable information on the opioid epidemic and its impact on our communities. Attendees will also learn how to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose and experience a live demo on how to administer the opioid overdose reversal drug Naloxone. You will also leave with resources on access to free harm reduction tools (like Naloxone and Fentanyl Testing strips). For more information and to register for this training, please look here.


You Hold The Power Presentation

Learn how to get connected to free educational resources, birth control solutions, and other sexual health services at BC4U. Reproductive rights are human rights, learn how you can become an advocate!


Share Meals

Join us in our fight against hunger and food waste on campus by using the Share Meals app! Sign up to see which events around campus have food that will be available to community members. You can find free food nearby through Share Meals; see how much is available and how long it’s up for grabs. The app also has a list of centers across campus where students can find free food, personal care items, and other helpful resources. Sign up today by downloading the app on your phone or by using the web version!

To learn more visit:



Institutional Partners Include: MSU CMEI, MSU Student Care Center, MSU SCORCares, the Health Center at Auraria, Rowdy's Corner, Auraria Recovery Community, CCD SPARC, CCD Care Center, CU Student Life, CU Denver Single Stop, MSU One World One Water Center

Community Partners Include: Indigo Salons, Nourish Colorado, Colorado Poverty Law Project, Community Economic Defense Project, Colorado Safe Parking Initiative, TRUA, ERAP, Denver Housing Project, Double Up Food Bucks, and more!

Special Thanks to the Collaborative Planning Committee
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